Friday, November 23, 2012


sunrise shell jewelry has exploded in popularity. i personally shy away from it, however, because now that they are in such great demand, folks are plucking them from the ocean depths, mopping the floor clean, often with creatures still residing in them. i'm all for adorning yourself with beautiful hawaiian jewelry, but never at the expense of a living creature or without consideration of unnatural over-consumption.

nonetheless, i feel privileged to have been gifted this magnificent gem that supposedly came from a source who only dives for vacated shells. what makes it even more special is its purple hue - not only kauai's color but also my favorite. 

it's been sitting in my linen closet for months but i feel like the time has finally arrived to venture toward other jewel avenues like necklaces and bracelets and this is perfect inspiration for the former. 

let the creative process begin.