Thursday, August 9, 2012

sweet sojourn

creating jewelry is a fun hobby, but i'm not going to lie, it doesn't pay all of my bills. when i'm not busy crafting delicious danglers, i am writing for a weekly publication on kauai - a job that brings me so much joy.

not only do i look for ways to make happy earth designs prosper, i'm always looking for ways to improve my writing craft, especially when it comes to penning stories about nature. next week i'll be bouncing over to the national tropical botanical garden for a week-long environmental journalism fellowship with some of the best scientists on the planet. i am thrilled to be a part of this amazing opportunity, but that means i'll likely be putting happy earth on the back burner for just a little while.


until we meet again.

remember to love the earth.

~ coco zickos


recycled precious metals = mo bettah!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

tah tah

the ocean and its creatures are breathing a collective sigh of relief today as the navy's war-game exercises across the islands, called rim of the pacific exercise (rimpac), finally cease. explosions, sonar and changing atmospheric conditions (as acknowledged by a local newscaster - whatever it is they were doing was causing what looked like a giant thunderstorm over kauai on the radar), are finally over.

the presence of the ships'  were ominous as i collected the sea's precious treasures in recent weeks. 

truthfully, i feel safer now that they are gone.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

my everydays

simple, organic, elegant.

gifts from the sea.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

the process

time to begin the creative journey again for a new shipment to be delivered to oahu.

i wonder what will unfold during this month's process.
